After a two days in Rome Cory and I started our adventure through Europe. OK, only two cities, but that's not too bad for 6 days!
How Beautiful! We had wonderful weather and the scenery was picturesque! We arrived after a 4 hour train ride (first class!) right into the heart of the city. Crossing the bridge I felt as if we were travelling to a treasure island. We fumble our ways out of the train station, after Cory found a map and rescued me from the long tourist line. I didn't want a hotel, just a map!!! First impression: wow, we're really here, and it is amazing! We hopped into a water bus and had an enjoyable ride along the Grand Canal. When we arrived at our destination (Piazza San Marco) we were, well....lost. Imagine that: lost in Venice! And we must have looked it, because not 15 seconds after we stepped onto "dry" land an old Venetian woman who spoke perfet English was soon asking us where we needed to go. Now picture this woman: fur coat, golded heels, golden hair wrapped in a bun, lipstick pressed onto her cigarette, and her wheeling shopping cart following her in tow through these narrow, busy streets. Well she got us there! And thank goodness because it was starting to rain (the only rain we saw!).
We spent the evening walking around and taking in all the night city had to offer, including crepes! These things were amazing, and we quickly became regulars at "la maison de crepes": the house of crepes.
The next day was a beautiful sunshine day, perfect for getting lost in Venice and attempting to capture its beauty. Photos just can't express this city's beauty, character, friendliness, and affection for it's unique culture. Venice surely has the friendliest people I have met so far! Venice is a managable and incredible experience that I can only wish to experience time and time again!
Paris (aka China!):
OK, for those of you who do not know, I surprised Cory with our next destination by calling it "china" for about a month! Paris was a place that we have always wanted to see and experience and it was a great opportunity to see another European culture, completely different from that of the Italians! Well it was different, alright, but my french got us along. (I didn't want to argue with the cab driver, but he didn't even know where he was going!!) Oh well, we got to the hotel and soon found out that I am NOT as talented as Cory in picking hotels. He chose a beautiful hotel in Venice! OK, it was a great location, and the french hotel culture did grow on us, but I know Grandma Tumey has that comforter cover, and they were missing a shower curtain....french! We arrived late/early in the morning, and were hoping of a different experience with Paris in the morning. As usual, Cory got up earlier than I did and found coffee. After a much needed shower, I was ready to join him for a walk of the vast city. Well, maybe I wasn't ready enough. Paris can be large and overwhelming at times. As for a second impression, I was a lost puppy trailing Cory through the streets. Finally we came upon Notre Dame and my heart rested. This beautiful gothic-style cathedral is nothing what I expected. No pictures can do it justice, but give you some sense of it's vast beauty and care to fine detail. Back out into the cold and we soon found a cafe for lunch where REAL french onion soup warmed my bones, and Cory had a traditional french sanwich: une croque monsieur! We then made our way to the Pompidou center, where I lost Cory as he stood staring at a Dali and I browsed other fine modern architecture. We then headed to the Louvre, where I had another surprise. After some time of waiting I soon hear a shreak in the crowd and Sara Hunter Cresswell comes barreling towards us! Billy soon follows and we are all so excited to see each other IN PARIS!! We enjoyed a few hours in the Lourve and headed back to our respective hotels to get ready for dinner, with a quick pitstop for crepes! Real french crepes!! We wondered around the area, searching for the right restaurant. When we saw escargot, scallops, steak and veal we were set! Something for everyone!! We ended the night underneath the Eiffle Tower jsut as it started rainging lightly. The four of us had a blast, laughing until tears came down our face!
The next day Cory and I visited Musee D'Orsay, a wonderfully remastered train station which now houses sculpture and artwork. We met up with Sara and Billy, had some crepes, and later joined them again for dinner in the Latin Quarter. The food was excellent and the company all the more! We sadly said goodbye to Billy and Sara at the metro and couldn't believe that our trip was over. Back to Rome, but not so easily....FRENCH!
We awoke and were packed about out of the hotel by 6am. That just wasn't early enough because we missed the airport shuttle. Needless to say, we spent a pretty Euro on a taxi out to east jibip where they placed this airport. (An hour cab ride...come on now!) We got on the plane soon enough and landed in Rome finally.
A few more days and Cory was gone. We woke as the sun was rising. The emptiness of the campo added to the surrealness, and sadness, as he left. It was a wonderful vacation, one I would plan over again, change a few items, but still have one of the best experiences of my life. Want to do it again, babe? Next time I'll call in a private jet, just to piss off some french people!
What wonderful experiences
Can't wait to hear about your sister's visit and your northern exploration!!!
you met Cory at the airport?? what about us??? I am coming back over there and better see your face when i land!! oh and i will never connect in Paris - i dont like them! that airport is a$$ backwards!
:) im glad you guys had such a wonderful time! enjoy the last of the semester, and hurry home safely! we SO have a date at B&E's ASAP pronto!
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